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My heart is full

My heart is full of gratitude, humility, joy and love. I have had a few folks reach out to me lately. One woman (now a good friend) reached out for advice because I inspired her. Another woman reached out because she wants to hear my story, my journey that led me to sharing and spreading addiction awareness. Still another woman reached out because she saw the resources on this website and wants to be a part of the message. I am so overwhelmed with joy at the moment, reflecting on exactly what led me to this point. I'm humbled beyond words that I have been able to reach so many people. This is my cause. This is my calling. I'm taking baby steps toward some goals and glad you all are a part of it. My good friend honestly believes that Shelby chose this life, before coming to the earth, in order for me to help spread awareness. If this is true, I really wish he would have chosen to stay. I'm not an expert on life, raising kids or helping addicts, but I have a lot to say about all of it. Thank you to all of you who have supported me, been inspired by me, inspired me, helping me spread awareness, who love me and have been reading my blog. A big thanks to my husband, my kids, my mom, my bffs and my whole family for their love and support. A huge thank you to God. I'm a believer in Him and a big believer in the power of prayer. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. My cup runneth over. More to come! 

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