Grief and guilt
At the end of the day, I know I didn't make Shelby take that fatal dose, but I still have feelings of guilt that plague me to no end. I often analyze my memories to see where I failed and how I could have done better. Oh how I wish I had a time machine! There are many of us, a few friends of mine included, who are struggling with guilt and grief. This article really puts things in perspective. One thing to remember is that grief is a process, an erratic one at best, and you never stop grieving a child or any other close loved one. Eventually, hopefully, you get to a place where the grief is more manageable. Our stories need to be told. If you would like to share your story, whether you are a loved one of an addict, a recovering addict or actively using, I want to hear your story! With your permission, I will publish it on this blog, with or without your name. Tell me your story at: Have a look at this powerful article: It's OK to get help! #doitforshelby