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Alternate Solutions

In the wake of a well intentioned opioid epidemic presentation, put on by local agencies, I find myself wondering if there are different solutions to solving this tragic era into which we have moved. The presentation was very informative and seemed to really touch the individuals there to learn more about the devastating epidemic in our community. I just felt it was the same thing I'm hearing over and over: "We can't arrest our way out of this." I really believe that, but I also believe there are more solutions than what our communities are implementing and utilizing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a drug counselor, a sociologist, or any type of medical/behavioral health professional or specialist. I'm simply a mother who lost her first born to addiction and is looking for ways to help others so they do not suffer the pain of grief. There are other countries who are tackling their opioid epidemic in different ways than America. These alternate solutions are controversial, but seem to be working. I have provided links to a few articles. I think our community leaders need to look into these alternate solutions and think about, perhaps, giving them a try. I know law enforcement, health professionals and a few lawmakers are doing the very best they can with what they have, but in my opinion, what we are doing doesn't seem to be working. We need to do more. We need alternate solutions. It's OK to get help! #doitforshelby San Francisco is set to try an alternate solution. Read about it here: In Portugal, their alternate solution seems to be working for them. Check it out: Vancouver, B.C. is using an alternate solution that may seem extremely controversial to some people, but they claim it's working. Read about it here:

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