#MEMFAM - Addiction is a Family Disease

Tonight was the first meeting of MEMFAM, Memphis Family Advocacy Meeting. MEMFAM is hosted by Kimberly Bennett of PAX MEMPHIS and Angela Quadrani Brown and Ashley Patrick of Addiction Campuses. Their goal is to educate family members who have loved ones that are suffering from the disease of addiction.
Tonight's meeting was about the Three Cs of the disease; Cause, Control and Cure. You did not cause it, you cannot control it and you cannot cure it. This is reassuring and frustrating at the same time. I have a lot of guilt that I need to deal with and I know there are many of you who do, as well.
I will be presenting the topic for the December meeting, but in the meantime, I hope you all will spread the word and join us for some much needed education and validation for yourselves. It was insightful and I learned even more than I thought I already knew about the world of addiction. To hear other people who have the same struggle as me made me feel a little less alone.
If you have a loved one suffering from the disease of addiction and you are struggling for answers, I urge you to come sit in on a meeting and learn about healthy ways to deal with a situation you may be facing.
Call one of these awesome ladies for more info:
Angela Quadrani (906)396-0520
Ashley Patrick (901)438-2005
Kimberly Bennett (901)299-1217
It’s OK to get help!