My heart is full
My heart is full of gratitude, humility, joy and love. I have had a few folks reach out to me lately. One woman (now a good...
A very important message
After reading this woman's story, it shook me to my core. It affected me almost as much as the moment when I learned about Shelby's fatal...
All you have to do is ask
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only grieving parent in the universe. I'm sure a lot of grieving parents feel that way. As I read this...
Another level of evil
Making money off of other people's misery is evil. Promising addicts sobriety while making money off of them is diabolical. Yet again,...
A mother's plea
Please, if you have any info on this story, please come forward. If you don't have any info, please share and keep sharing. This woman...
No questions asked
Please let this happen all across the nation! All across the world! I would love to be a part of this!
What if?
I often ask myself several "what ifs." What if: * I had not kicked him out of the house a couple of years ago because he would not stop...
Stopping the pill popping
When I had Shelby, in 1997, I had to have an emergency C-section. So, with the next two babies, I was allowed to have voluntary...
"illegal manufacture and shipping of the drug would be easy."
Seriously?!? I usually have a lot to say about articles I post, but this one has left me utterly speechless:Â
We cannot "arrest our way out of this opioid epidemic"
It is hard to believe that the police want to actually help addicts instead of just throwing them in the slammer, but it's true! All over...