The Oaks at La Paloma
It makes my heart smile to tell you about The Oaks at La Paloma recovery center. The facility is tucked in the quaint, historic part of...
Addiction Awareness Events
Hello! Here just a few of many events coming up in the next few weeks! If you have an event I haven't mentioned, please email me at...
I'm still here!
Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still writing and keeping up with the site! I've added a new element: I'm...
A safe haven?
This article describes a safe haven in which drug users can safely get high. These safe havens are working in other countries and I think...
Good News!
This is the best news I've heard in a while! We need more busts like this AND we need to bust the bastards bringing fentanyl and...
Drake's Poem
My friend Alexis Merritt shared something on the Do It Fir Shelby Facebook page that her son Drake wrote. Drake has been struggling with...
Bradford Health Services
Bradford Health Services has been successfully treating people with substance and alcohol addiction for 40 years. They have programs that...
Oxford Treatment Center
Oxford Treatment Center is the flagship treatment center of American Addiction Centers and it is AAC's most recognized facility. AAC has...
Enough is enough already!!
This story is surreal. I have a ten year old son, so my heart aches for this family. How can we rid this nation, this world, of this...
I'm going to be updating resources on the site real soon. If you are a subscriber, follow on Facebook and/or twitter and are a part of a...