Social responsibility
We need more awareness! We need to be more socially responsible and responsive! We need laws changed! It's a choice the first time, then...
Let's talk about drug court
There are always two sides to every story. I have a good friend that went through our drug court here in Memphis and it saved her life....
This is beyond my comprehension. In this modern world of limitless technology, am I to understand there's a black market on the internet?...
Learning to be brave
Last week, my family and I attended camp. This particular camp was a camp for adults and children trying to cope with grief. My sweet...
For my new friends❤️
This is dedicated to my new friends I made at Camp Bravehearts grief camp. I'll be posting about my experience soon, as well as providing...
I wish I wish I wish
"Last week, Franklin County’s Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board announced it will provide $1 million for a two-year program to...
Homeless people are angels in disguise
This story touched me so deeply. I cannot even fathom what the families are going through at this moment. It is so amazing that this...
God bless this child!
This story gives me mixed emotions. On one hand, it's a great and noble thing this boy did. He may have saved his fathers life as well as...
Well, what do you think of that?
My friend Gena shared an interesting link and tagged me in the post. I watched in awe and wonder and thought to myself, 'Wow! Could WE do...
Join the cause
One of the local news channels here in Memphis contacted me about doing an interview for their piece on opioid addiction. Of course I was...